Tuesday 28 February 2012

Equity Sales Trading-Collecting Market Intelligence and information for Real Business Development

The trusted recruitment agencies in the financial market follow very stringent screening process, carry on profile checks most technically and get the best person for the client.

Equity Sales Trading is basically divided into agency and property trading function wise also classifications are based on what type of financial tool you are dealing with whether it is bond, stocks or currencies .So you can well guess the significance of such trader and the expected demand in the job market. The roles and responsibilities of such trader will be to gather market reports, collecting information with respect to order flow, look for any other relevant information which will help to enhance the exiting business relations and support the operations when required including trade processing, settlement and account management and cover existing institutional accounts. The efficient agencies enable client to find the correct person.

Executive search is basically the consultative procedure of recruiting individuals to fill the positions of senior executives and managers in organizations. This search can be either performed by the board of directors or it can be carried on by outside search agencies. This specialization opens up excellent opportunities for the search consultants who earn quite heavily, for this obvious reason there exists real severe competition in this particular industry. The executives who are responsible for business development gets the highest amount, the consultants specialize on retained search or contingency serach.The former one implies that the consultant is paid a retainer amount at the launching time of search, which is one third of the fee and in the later case the consultants get the full amount only after the search assignment is over. The consultants’ market oriented search results are very helpful to locate the right type of recruitments. It is the duty of the search consultants to reach those persons who are competent at one hand and seeking better opportunities on the other.

When the clients do have definite organizational need to recruit a Cash Equity Sales Trader or Senior Cash Equity Broker then the client beforehand set the definite roles and responsibilities of that particular person. The specific responsibilities include taking care of Institutional accounts and support Senior Equity sale personnel, carry out basic analysis with relation to long term investment plans, maintain data base and client activity level to assess the success of business relationship strategies and ensure efficient communication to the clients. The sales trading team brings on the latest market news and specific current information relating to investment, so you can well imagine how significant such post is.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Trust the expertise of reliable executive search firm to get responsible and professional candidate

Recruiting candidate for a specific job is one of the most stressful and time consuming procedure for almost all the companies. Mostly, the companies demand for high-level executive firm, who is able to provide them responsible candidate for their company or business organization. These days, plenty of executive companies are available that deal in business of hiring and recruiting professional employee suit for various job designations. Often, when a company is in a period of change, it becomes quite significant to recruit employees for their management, considering skill set, qualification and experiences of applicant. When companies do recruitment by themselves, they don’t get enough flexibility to handle interview, managing candidates, references and other processes involved in employee recruitment.

Moreover, company won’t be able to focus their considerations on core aspects of business. Now the companies have come to know the importance of hiring executive search firms, so they immediately opt for these firms even without appropriate considerations. You can hire candidates for commercial and industrial enterprises. If your industries are opening petrochemical vacancies recruitment, you must hire reliable executive firm. Recruiting company has proper understanding about various organizations’ business and their particular work challenges. Besides, these firms also possess needed resources and expert workforce to offer you employees for petrochemical vacancies, suiting your requirement. 

Through online directory, yellow pages and local references, you can find out reliable executive search firm and get an idea about the expertise of the firm easily. If you are looking for equity sales trading professional candidate for your company, you must check the past client of to know the reputation and credential of the search company. By researching about executive company, you can come to know about the status and potential of firm to find out right candidates. Executive search firms handle wide array of works for recruiting employee for company includes interview, skill testing, certificate verification and record maintenance. 

These search firms also plans varieties of methods such as career transition plan that help you to get effective professionals from your company for vacancies of high-level cash equity sales trader position. These agencies also assist in dealing with emotional aspects of employees who are terminated from company or are degraded for other reasons. Recruiter also advertises the job in particular job market, so that recruiting process can be made convenient. Eye-catchy job advertisement attracts the experienced applicants to apply. Additionally, recruiters also utilize contacts to shift through and speed up recruiting process. It also avoid lengthy interview processing and save company’s time.